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M.D. Greenview - Fox Creek Tanker
Delivered March 26, 2018
Freightliner M2 112
Detroit Diesel 12.8L 450 HP / 1650 lb-ft torque
Allison 4500 EVS Automatic Transmission
Jacobs Compression Brake W/ Hi & Low
ABS – Antilock Brake System W/ Application Gauge
Traction Control W/ ATC Shut Off Switch
Enhanced Stability Control
Cruise Control
275 Amp Alternator
2010 Emissions Engine with DPF and DEF
60 Gallon (227L) Fuel Tank
18,000lb Front Axle
52,000Lb Rear Tandem Axle Air Susp W/ Dump Feature
Inter Axle Lock
Differential Lock
On Spot Tire Chains
Waterous CXVK - PTO Driven Fire Pump
“Pump and Roll” Capable
4000 LPM
13,600 L / 3000 Imperial Gallon Water Tank
FRC Pressure Governor – In Control TGA 300
Waterous Overheat Protection Manager
Automatic Primer – Air Primer
4” Tank to Pump Line
Two 1.5” (38mm) Speedlays W/ Removable Trays
Two 2.5” (65mm) DS Discharges
One 2.5” (65mm) PS Discharge
One LDH - PS Discharge W/ 4” Storz
One 4” Direct Tank Fill W/ 4” Storz Adapter – Firemans Friend (REAR)
Three - Water Tank Level Lights