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District of Mackenzie Fire Rescue Pumper
Delivered December 12, 2013
Rosenbauer Top Mount Enclosed Pumper
Freightliner M2-106 2dr chassis
14" front bumper extension
330 HP Cummins ISC engine
Allison EVS-3000 transmission
12,000 # front axle
27,000 # rear axle
Multiplexed electrical system
Rosenbauer NH55 1250 IGPM pump with pump and roll capabilities
FoamPro 2001 foam system
Intakes: (2) 6" steamer ports, auxillisry inlets (1) 2.5" RS, (1) 2.5" LS
Discharges: Akron FireFox remote control bumper turret, (2) 1.5" speedlays, (1) 2.5" front bumper, (2) 2.5" LS, (2) 2.5" RS, (1) 2.5" rear, 3" Akron DeckMaster - remote controlled
800 Imperial Gallon water tank
20 Imperial Gallon foam tank
Rosenbauer forned and extruded (FX) aluminum body construction
Shelves and trays
Hydraulic ladder rack
Wheelwell SCBA bottle compartments
Winco 6kw diesel remote start generator
Whelen TAL65 LED traffic advisor
Audible Warning: Whelen 295HFSA7 electric siren, Whelen SA314A speaker, (2) Air horns on hood
Optical Warning: Whelen Ultra Freedom LED lightbar, Whelen L31H LED rear upper warning, Whelen S-LED lower warning
Akron 500w Tele-Lites portable scene lighting