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Red Earth Creek Mini Pumper - M.D.of Opportunity

Delivered April 16, 2013

Rosenbauer mini-pumper brush truck
Ford 6.7L diesel, 4dr, 4X4, F550 chassis
19,5000 GVW
Rosenbauer UHPS-V 160 GPM pump - 10 GPM @1450 PSI
Scotty ATP Around The Pum foam system
ntakes: (1) 2.5" auxilliary inlet
Discharges: Front bumper ground sweep, (1) 1.5" on pump, (1) 1.5" in hosebed
300 Imperal gallon water tank
30 imperial gallon foam tank
Rosenbauer FX formed and extruded aluminum body construction
Assorted trays and shelves
Federal Signal Split VPX LEd traffic advisor
Audible warning package: Federal Signal PA 300 electric siren, Federal Signal ES-100 speaker
Optical warning package: Federal Signal Highlighter LED rear upper warning, Federal Signal QuadraFlare / ViperEXT LED lower warning
Fire Research Evolution LED telelights
Fire Research Q65 LED scene lights
Warn 9,000 # portable winch

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