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Parkland County Pumper
Delivered November 13, 2013
Rosenbauer Custom Commander 4000 4dr, 24" raised roof, 4X2 chassis
450 HP Cummins ISL engine
Allison EVS-3000 Transmission
On-Spot automatic tire chains
20,000 # front axle
31,500 # rear axle
Waterous CSU 150 IGPM pump
Fire Research InControl 400 pressure governor
FoamPro 2002 foam system
Waterous Eclipse 200cfm CAFS system
Intakes: (3) 6" steamer ports - front and side, (2) 2.5" auxilliary inlets
Discharges: (10 1.5" trash line, (2) 1.5" speedlays, 91) 2.5" crosslays, (2) 2.5" LS, (1) large diameter 5" RS
1000 imperial Gallon water tank
50 Imperial Gallon foam tank
2.5" rear direct fill
Rosenbauer FX formed and extruded aluminum body construction
Assorted shelves and trays
Wheelwell SCBA bottle storage compartments
floor dry compartment
Onan 10kw hydraulic generator
Whelen TAM85 LED traffic advisor
Audible Warning: Federal Signal Q2B siren, Federal Signal PA4000 electric siren, CP SA4301 speaker, 92) air horns in bumper
Optical Warning: Federal Signal Solaris AeroDynic LED lighbar, Federal Signal MicroEscape LED rear upper warning, Federal Signal QuadraFlare LED lower warning
Chrome bell
Fire Research Evolution Telelights
fire Research Q65 LED Scene lights
(2) 200' cord reels
Command Light CL615 light tower
200' air hose reel