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Extrication HOT 

This coming October, Rocky Mountain Phoenix and Hurst Jaws of Life will once again be hosting our two day extrication training seminar for emergency responders. This event will be instructed by Alberta Vehicle Extrication Association along with local department members. This session will provide responders with an excellent learning and networking opportunity. The course will focus on hydraulic tool technique, hand tools, lifting, cribbing, and stabilization. 


This year we will also be including an EV response component to the event. We have teamed up with EVX, who specializes in EV response. In addition to in-class learning, participants will receive a hands-on walk through of a Tesla Model X that has been strategically modified to identify important hidden components that emergency responders need to be aware of to safely perform extrications on all electric vehicle makes and models. 


This seminar will take place over two 8 hour days with most of the time spent doing hands on practical training. We will ONLY be taking up to 32 students for this event. We will have multiple pits, offering more hands on time for the participants. I recommend that if it is possible you send Officers or Senior members to make sure the skills learned can be passed on to your other members.


Where: Kamloops Fire Rescue Training Facility 

When: October 26-27th , 2024, 8:00am – 5:00pm 

Cost: $595 per student 

Lunch and refreshments will be provided during the day. 


Students will be responsible for bringing all required PPE that is normally worn for extrication with your department; Turnout gear, coveralls, gloves, boots, helmet, eye protection, etc. 


For more information please contact Colin Carswell and he will be able to help you out. We are currently taking requests to fill spots quickly so please don’t hesitate to book your spots.


Please download and fill out the registration form in the link below and return it to the following email to reserve your spots: 


We look forward to seeing you there. 


Colin Carswell, 

Hurst Rescue Specialist-sales and Service – cell 403-598-4314 

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